Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Don't You...Forget About

Madagascar. Weeks go by and still no real end in sight on the red isle. The troubles are not just due to the continuing political instability and daily protests against the new "president's" government. Drought has led to famine, and bilateral aid to the country has been frozen already. Now the UN is asking for $36 million to help avert further crisis. I feel particularly helpless here in the US, and can only pass along the troubles these people are facing. One of my fellow PCVs, the stellar SED volunteer Sasha, gave an interview to her local news station that captured a lot of our feelings. Check it out:

Sasha's Interview

And here is a good break down of the whole coup from an Australian news broadcast. This one includes some violent footage... (thanks to fellow PCV Jen for posting this site)
Diary of a Coup

Mr. Rajoelina promises democratic elections by October 2010... yea you read that right. He also continues to call his takeover democratic, or something of the sort. It is still hard for me to understand how such a peaceful country arrived at this point (now ex-President Ravalomanana and new President Rajoelina are both to blame), and a bit scary to continue to watch the events unfold.

Count our blessings that transitions of power here in the United States are peaceful; it really is a rare thing (sadly)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are safe. It has been interesting reading. Good luck. Will they send you elsewhere? I'll keep reading.
