Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hold up, Slow up, Stop, Control.

Earlier this week, I finally put up a post about my impending return to Madagascar. With just over two weeks before departure, I figured things were calm enough there and the date was close enough to make the announcement official. But as Obi Wan said about his thought that he could instruct Vader, "I was wrong." It seems the return has been put on hold until mid-November. I do not know the specifics, but there must have been a security concern big enough to cancel our trip (for which flights were already planned). Apparently this has to do with the continuing political struggle, but as I said I am not sure of the details yet.

What does all of this mean for yours truly? Good question. But rest assured, whether there is a return to Madagascar in my future or not, I will keep you all updated. Thanks for bearing with me...

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