Thursday, February 2, 2012

In Need of a Reminder

My studies in international development are progressing nicely, and I like all of my courses this semester. In addition, I am involved in some excellent student groups and research projects. But beyond the heavy workload, I have been feeling very... distant. I think it is because I have been in school long enough now to feel very disconnected from the very issues I am studying. This feeling has reminded me how important it is to stay in touch in development. Extreme poverty, inequitable trade policies, famine, deforestation, oppressive governments... these are more than just words in academic papers. They all have real effects on people in real places. As do words like: innovation, activism, self-sufficiency, protest, and participation. The longer we stay away from the faces behind these issues, the more detached we become. I am in need of a reminder of why I am here and studying to become a development practitioner. I am working on that, trying to get back "into the field" soon. In the meantime, I can already tell that this will be a continuing concern throughout my career. And a concern for any practitioner or academic. Let us all endeavor to stay connected in a real way.

On a lighter development studies note, I totally agree with BlattBlog on this one.


  1. So, you are concerned with the very poor unlike...*

    *no pun intended

  2. Even though internships are touted as an excellent resume builder and networking tool, they also play a larger role from those of us taking a 2-year break from the field: relevance. Before heading back to school, I had the feeling every day that my efforts had amounted to something: autistic children able to remain with their families, former gang members ready for their first job interview. Not realizing how much of my self-concept was wrapped in this, I felt the way you describe for the entirety of last semester. Interning for an organization that has strong (and well-publicized) deliverables has made an enormous impact in my detachment-blues, and the energy- and motivation-boost makes up for doubled workload.
