Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My First Movember

As an unabashed fan of facial hair, you might find it surprising that it took me this long to use my manly mustachioed look for a good cause. Sure, I once implemented an island-wide "Beards Not Bombs" campaign with a few Madagascar PCVs in 2009 (Charlie, Chase, BH), but despite our best efforts it proved ineffective(*).

Luckily, this year some Development Practitioner colleagues decided to form a team for Movember. I thought I would join in the initiative. For those of you who don't know (and most of you do since you tell  me to do it every year), Movember is a campaign to raise funds and awareness for issues of men's health, particularly prostate and testicular cancer. Here are some of the tips for men's health. The campaign centers around men (and women) allowing their inner mustache to be free throughout the month. A goofy campaign for a good cause. Sounds like my kind of thing!

Need some inspiration on mustache care? Here's Ron Swanson:

You can donate to my own mustache directly here (NB: the profile picture is inspirational and taken from a previous multi-month mustache. I started fresh for this one).
Also, you can donate to our team, Mo' Money, Mo' Practitioners, here.
Feel free to keep it small, and I'll do my best to grow the 'Stache big.

Finally, on a related note, I just watched a pretty hilarious (and accurate) documentary from the Supersize Me guy called "Mansome." Highly Recommend It.

(*) I always liked Chase's alternate name: Sacrificing Practicality for Peace. Also, it was this campaign that led to Charlie's inspirational quote: "My beard has been looking for a good cause to support"

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