Friday, October 25, 2013

Madagascar Election Day is Here!

I just wanted to share my excitement that election day is finally here for Madagascar! As I write this, the voting may already be wrapping up (though reports of long lines at the polling stations indicate a possible extension). Most news outlets are hopeful (like BBC and Reuters), while others are hopeless. Personally, I am happy to see people get the chance to participate once again in their own country's decisions. Will it be perfect? Probably not, but then few elections are (including my own country's). And there will probably be a run-off. And even after the election, the Malagasy people have a lot of work to do to reclaim their country and its democracy.

Despite my skepticism over the years, I am hopeful that this election will at least be a step forward for the country and its people.  Any positive step would be welcome, and afterwards we can begin to focus once again on the many positive aspects of Madagascar.

So, to everyone participating today, and Madagascar lovers everywhere:
Good Luck, Bonne Chance, Mirary Soa!

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