Sunday, June 29, 2008

Slow Ride, Take it Easy

Well, I have not had many chances to update more regularly here, as you may have noticed. So I am taking a new tactic, and mailing home to my mother a bunch of blog posts for her to put up here all at once. They will be late, but there are some worthwhile stories in there, I promise. Like leading my entire town in the singing of a classic rock anthem. This way, when I am near a computer, I can focus on updating on the spot, but still get the older longer tales up here too. We'll see how it works. Also, I have some friends visiting the States in the fall, so I will probably send back a camera card with photos (and some video perhaps) to upload here. Bear with me, there will be more stuff coming!
As for now, I road a nice 5 hours through mud and slop to get from my site to my banking town for a little birthday celebration with some fellow volunteers. We've had a good time, and it is always fun to spend time with fellow volunteers. Also, as I mentioned before, I am always amazed at the range of people who check in on my adventures here on this blog, and I love seeing everyone's comments and know that you are enjoying my experiences almost as much as I am. Sometimes I'll hear from fellow volunteers that their family enjoys my blog and are regular readers, so it is nice to know I reach a broad audience! On that note, hello Sooka and thanks for making your daughter share her care packages! Okay, that is all for now, hope to talk more soonish! I hope everyone is well, and that life in the US is going great for you all!


  1. You weren't kidding about putting up a blog...should've known you'd go hardcore with it. Sounds like you've been having a Chris Planicka kind of time (i.e. an awesome time). It's good to see that I'll be able to keep up to speed on everything that's going on with your craziness. Perhaps its time for me to make my phd blog... Anyway CP..keep rockin Madagascar. Hugs and kisses -J.Dubb (aka Capt. Gloom)

  2. Hi Chris - I'm glad you got the message from my daughter..."Sharing is Caring!" Good luck to you. All of you PCV's are doing a great service on behalf of the USA. I'm proud of my daughter, and am equally proud of you.

    And remember..."Slow down, go down, got to get your lovin' one more time!"

