Friday, January 13, 2012

Blattmania, Sachs Addiction, Opaloholism, and more!

This is for the handful of development nerds reading: What sort of a blog reader are you? When, after a long trip or a week at the library, you return to a backlog of posts in your RSS feed, where do you start? As a fun Friday distraction, I brainstormed some fan club names for some of the blogs I read. Maybe you fall into one of the below categories (Warning: Bad puns galore!)

Blattmaniacs or Blattfans

Duncan' (n)GoNuts (like the small New England coffee chain...)

Cave Dwellers or maybe Roosters... because they rise with the DAWNS... yikes that was awful


Displaced Longhorns

Talking Heads (yea, not very original...)

Pragmatic Searchers

Barder Brava (had to give the Englishman's fans a football supporters' club name! ...even if it's an American one...)



ICT4D-orks (whoops wrong nomenclature!)

Geographers (AFIACs sounds too much like a US military designation)


C Students


Sachs Addicts


Dani's Fanis

Nostalgics (Could also apply to fans of here, or here, or here...)

Solo Artists

Uh.... Expat Aid Workers

Well, I had fun, at least! Feel free to offer other names for any of these, or for the many worthy blogs I forgot. As for me, I am usually a Blattfan, though there are days when I am more of a  Duncan' (n)GoNut or an Opaloholic. On a daily basis, though, I am a Customs Officer...

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