Saturday, January 7, 2012

Learn to Code

If you're like me, you have long found computer programming interesting but seemingly impossible to learn. It appears to have a steep learning curve, especially for those of us whose solution to every computer problem is "control+alt+delete". Well now is your chance to start coding, with Codeacademy's online tutorials (as part of "Code Year"). If you sign up, they will email you new lessons each week, in order to "turn anyone into a computer programmer." I've played around with the lessons a bit, and they are really easy (at least at first), and they follow a similar format to the excellent Khan Academy (track your progress, offer "badges" for completing levels, etc.). Even Mayor Bloomberg is resolving to learn coding via the site!

What does this have to do with development? Programming is becoming an increasingly sought-after skill in every employment field, and in international development it has become a major trend. Every sector is putting an "m" in front of itself to denote its dedication to mobile technology (m-health, m-ag). While there is plenty of debate over the nomenclature of ICTs in development (dare we call it ICT4D?), there is less debate about the potential for ICTs. But whatever your chosen career path, I think programming can be very useful, so check out the site, play with the tutorials, and maybe learn something too!

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