Saturday, January 12, 2013

Les Praticiens Misérables

As I mentioned last week, I recently saw the film version of Les Mis and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sure, it's super-long and skews some songs a bit from the stage production, that did not really bother me. A story about revolutionary debates, right-and-wrong, and redemption? AND everyone sings all of their thoughts? Of course I would love it.

It also got me to thinking: what would the development version of Les Mis look like? Who would play the key roles? Well, as it turns out, I have a few thoughts on the matter...

Les Praticiens Misérables: Cast and a few key lyrical examples
  • Fantine = Jacqueline Novogratz: Key line (from I Dreamed a Dream): "I had a dream that aid would be so different from this hell I'm seeing!"
  • Thénardiers = Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee. Key line (from One Day More): "Watch aid run amuck, change the way we see, never know your luck when there's an R-C-T"
  • Eponine = Dambisa Moyo. Key line (from On My Own): "On our own, believing aid is deadly, Africa alone, will wake to a new morning"
  • Cosette = Alanna Shaikh. Key line (from In My Life): "In my work, there are so many questions and answers that somehow seem wrong, in my work, there are times when I find people in need of advice so I send a newsletter along."
  • Marius = Duncan Green. Key line (from Empty Chairs at Empty Tables): "Oh my friends, my friends, don't tweet me, what this blog was written for. Lengthy posts with lengthy comments, where my friends will share some more."
  • Enjolras = Chris Blattman. Key line (from Red and Black): "The syntax of development is changing day by day... Tweet- the words of snarky men! Blog - a post on being a dad! Tweet - a link I wish was mine! Blog - it's more than just a fad!"
  • Chorus: "Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not trust aid again. 
Of course, we are missing the big two: Valjean = Jeff Sachs, and his foil, Javert = Bill Easterly. Don't believe me? Check out this exchange  (from the Confrontation), in reference to a rare meeting-of-the-minds in Stockholm [in the link, panel starts about 22 minutes in]. It's a fun one to sing (or, it's just fun to imagine Bill Easterly with a really deep Javert-esque voice)
Jeff Sachs, at last,
We share a single stage,
Monsieur "MDG"
You'll hear all of my rage
Before you tweet another word, Billy!
Before you rip me on your blog again,
Listen to me! There is something I must do.
Many women leave behind a suffering child.
There is none but the West who can intercede,
In Mercy's name, 3 billion dollars is all I need.
Then I'll withdraw, I pledge my word.
Then I'll phase-out...
You must think me mad!
I've criticized you across the years
Aid like yours can never change
Aid... such as yours...

Thanks for indulging me everyone! And if you have your own lyrics you'd like to add in the comments, or different casting suggestions, or other movies/musicals/etc you'd like to remake with characters from the development-o-sphere, please do share.


  1. Why. Did I not see this. Until now.

    Chris Planicka, you're my hero.

    - Laura

  2. Found this on Laura's facebook and being both an MDPer and a hug fan of les Mis, I must say that this is AMAZING.

    I must now share your post further because everyone needs to read this, this is awesome.

